Are you getting ready to hand in your resignation letter or thinking about handing in a resignation letter? When the time comes for you to make that decision, take note of the following reasons why you shouldn’t always take the counteroffer if offered.

You should have analyzed the reasons why you wanted to leave your current position prior to handing your resignation letter to your boss. When you came up with your list of reasons, you were aware of what you could change and what you couldn’t.
You likely already made an effort to fix the issues that were within your control. For instance, if you wanted a bigger salary you would have asked your boss for more money, or if your commute was too long, you would have tried to negotiate working from home a few days a week. This leaves you with issues that are out of your control and cannot be fixed, regardless of an increase in pay.
If you previously asked for a raise and your boss said no, an offer to increase your pay when you hand in your resignation letter does not mean he finds you to be a more valuable employee. It likely means he doesn’t want the possible disruption in the workplace that your leaving could create. Don’t let a counteroffer cloud your judgment, especially if you already decided you were better off finding a new job.
If you are tempted to accept the counteroffer, refer to the list of reasons why you wanted to leave. These reasons won’t disappear when you accept a counteroffer.
Now that you know why you shouldn’t always take the counteroffer when you resign, feel free to reach out to us at San Diego Pro Staffing if you would like more advice on career topics.