When you’re applying for a job, your resume is the first thing any potential employer is going to see. If you’re looking for your dream job, that resume is even more important than you think. After all, you may not get that interview – even if you think you would nail it – if your resume isn’t any good.

Before you start looking for your dream job, use these resume writing tips to help you perfect your introduction. First impressions count and you want to make the best one you can. These four tips are ones you shouldn’t ignore:
1. Tailor Your Resume to the Employer
The most important thing when you find a job that you really want is taking the time to tailor your resume to the company that’s going to be reading it. If you know they want something you can do, go ahead and put that on your resume. Skills that you think could help an employer – even if they aren’t listed – can go on there too.
Tailoring your resume to an employer’s desires can help ensure you get a call when it’s time to set up interviews.
2. Include a Cover Letter
Your cover letter let’s people know you’re aware of what a professional resume looks like. You can also use it to tell potential employers why you want to work for them too.
Written properly, a cover letter that lets an employer know you really like what the company does could be the difference between getting an interview or just being another piece of paper in a thick stack of resumes.
3. Look for Keywords
Keywords in postings can tell you what an employer wants. Including them in your resume, or highlighting those areas can help you land your dream job.
4. Make Keywords Stronger
Keyword inclusion helps, but you really want to back those keywords up. If sales are huge for a company, let them know some real numbers you’ve posted.
Be aware of these tips in order to make your resume really stand out.