Trying to find a job, especially in an economy that is still recovering, can feel pretty daunting whether you’re just out of school or you’re an experienced veteran in your field that just needs to find a new position. While many of the basic job hunting tips that you already know still apply – like having a good resume – there are some tips you may not know that could help you land your dream job. Use these five job hunting tips to help you find your next position as quickly as you can.
- Network all the time. Finding the right job for you usually won’t happen responding to an internet post. You’ll get your dream job through the backdoor.
- Find ways to get recommendations for jobs. Getting a recommendation instead of applying to the job directly can make you between five and 10 times more likely to actually get that job. If you’re going to apply directly, that method shouldn’t make up more than 20% of your job hunting efforts.
- Focus on finding the right job for you, not the right paycheck for you. You can’t work for peanuts, but you can work for less than your normal salary if you know you’re going to be great your job. The money will come over time, along with more responsibility and the potential for much greater things.
- Use examples to demonstrate how good you are at something or what areas you need improvement in. General statements don’t work – anecdotal stories work like gangbusters, especially in a job interview type situation. Use a time from past jobs to show your skills and even your weaknesses. Nobody is going to believe you if you say you’re perfect.
- Find a great recruiter to help you get the job you’re really looking for. Some recruiters just check boxes and mail forms – others will sit with you and get to know what you’re really good at. That’s the recruiter you’re looking for.
Contact us for more job hunting tips you can use to help you land the perfect position for your lifestyle.